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Showing posts from January, 2018

Writing again

I know, I have said it before. I just haven't been ready. I am ready now. Written word is too important to sacrifice out of fear. We must be, at all times, aware of the need to document the events of the day. Further, we must be committed to provide context for those events, so that we can understand why these things happened, who they affected and how, how we reacted and why. This is no mean feat, given that the President of the United States is prone to say and do things that demand our constant attention. Who can keep up? So, I am back. A lot has changed for me personally and professionally since I last looked earnestly into the glowing screen of the laptop and wrote. I went to law school. I ran for office. My mom died. I flunked the bar exam. Twice. My dog died. My marriage died. My career died. But I didn't. I am not sure how, or why, because there were days when I hurt so much that I didn't think that a living being could survive it. There were times when I